姓名:吴鹏程 性别:男
学历:博士 职称:讲师
部门:人工智能系 邮箱:wupengcheng_mech@163.com
1. 2011.09~2015.06 ***理工大学 学士
2. 2017.09-2019.09 重庆大学,机械工程学院 硕士
3.2019.09-2023.06 重庆大学,机械与运载工程学院 博士
1. Wu P, He Y, Li Y, et al. Multi-objective optimisation of machining process parameters using deep learning-based data-driven genetic algorithm and TOPSIS[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2022, 64: 40-52.
2 Wu P, Dai H, Li Y, et al. A physics-informed machine learning model for surface roughness prediction in milling operations[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 123(11-12): 4065-4076.
3. Wu P, He Y, Li Y, et al. Online prediction of cutting temperature using self-adaptive local learning and dynamic CNN[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(12): 8629-8640.
[1] 2018 年 获“International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Internet of Things & International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering(智能制造与可持续性国际会议) Best Student Paper Nominated Award”
[2] 2022 年 获国家自然基金委与中国机械工程学会 “The 15th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (第十五届设计与制造前沿国际会议) Best Paper”